Friday 16 October 2015

Have you hit Rock bottom? Chirst is the ROCK OF AGES.

I like to see the good in people. I like to envision the bright side in all situations and I like to imagine that there is an imaginary silver lining on every cloud...But who lives with such hypotheticals? I strive to keep all posts positive but maybe I have to state the bad to reach a positive conclusion... Just a thought.

When faced with such difficult situations, what should we do? You may think that you have hit rock bottom and that there is just no recovery. Stop the pity party! Instead throw a party of redemption and hope of a better tomorrow. It may sound sappy, but damn it, its true. Just go down on your knees and praise God for his forgiving mercies and amazing grace. What an agape love! God is real, oh, so very real. I don't mind shouting it from the roof tops! It's all just a test and one that we must past!

God bless!

Saturday 26 September 2015


"Life is a roller coaster so sit back and enjoy the ride"

I have not come across a more untrue saying...

The truth is that life is like an F1 car race.

A time must be set in which the race must end and, eventually, so must life. You need drivers to compete in the race as people compete in life

You get those who rush to cross the finish line symbolising the power driven people of the world. Some drift and drag representing the people who bury themselves in their own pride. Then you get the cautious few who refuse to go over 60 km/h.

Yes, these are the most noticeable things about a car race.

But if we look more attentively than this...
We see the driver who requires a pit crew showing us that we must have friends and family who support us in our loss and victory. We must have a COACH to guide us onto the right path as we have a miraculous GOD and we must wear protective gear to guard ourselves from the many afflictions and atrocities that can so quickly devour us. Every driver needs a backup car to tell us that something could go so very wrong and some are often disqualified telling us to watch our backs because not everybody will play fair to achieve something.
Life is often unfair and, at times, not very enjoyable, unlike what the saying above suggests.

But with God on our side, we have stumbled upon continuous victory and even when a big loss looks like it’s coming your way, you can go down on your knees, throw your hands up in the air and you can count on God to change the situation because WHEN YOU ARE DOWN TO NOTHING, GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Jesus is my all in all

Hi everyone.

I feel extremely lead by God to compose this post so right now the time is not of relevance to me.

A few years ago, I have come to the conclusion that without a special someone, life would have no meaning, no fulfillment, no answers, no reason to live, we wouldn't even exist in the first place. By now do I have to point out to you who I am talking about? I will let you figure it out for yourselves.

...Just reflect back on your life when you were in need of:

A helping hand, a shield to guard you from the enemy. Someone was there!

A comforting embrace, a blessed assurance to your doubtful mind. Someone was there!

A lending ear, a miraculous healer.  Someone was there!

A refuge,a pillar of strength. Someone was there!

A protector to guide your fearful heart, a rock to rest your heavy head upon. Someone was there!

A never failing provider, a way when it seemed like there was none. Someone was there!

An agape and unconditional love, a reason to smile, a protective hand to hold. Someone was there!

An answer and deliverer to your every problem, a guide for your every concern. Someone was there!

I can go on and on and I wouldn't mind at all but there is a point to get across. So, did you figure out who this special someone is yet? I'm sure you have. I will tell you anyway as I love saying our Lord and Saviour's name. It is none other than Jesus Christ, a name that is matchless, a never failing God, the almighty and all powerful.Whose grace are by you now saved? God did all those things for you and will still have his angels camp around us. Now no one can separate us from his palm. No one can pull us away.

Who else fits the description above? Who else was there when you needed something and no one would look your way? Wait a minute, someone did look your way! Could you have been here, reading this post without HIM{JESUS}

I admit that there are times that I feel deserving of nothing but God blesses me with uncommon favour and blessed grace.

It is not an hypothesis. His power has been shown and proven in your life so I hope you have reached the same conclusion I have. Do I have to say anymore? Just keep one thing in mind- God is your all in all, HE is everything you will ever need.

God bless!

Thursday 8 January 2015

Embracing God's matchless and agape love for us and spreading the Word.

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Benjamin Prakasm(94 years old), pastor, entrepreneur and loving man of God. 

Not many people continue to live until this age. However, when you are given the breath of life and are fully equipped with the Armour Of God, which situation is too difficult for you?

Although the meeting was brief, the outcome was wholesome.

His lung had collapsed, allowing for it to fill up with liquid. I was curious about the beginning of this magnificent world which is hardly without blemish nowadays(that's me sugar coating what has come of this Earth). He was able to speak with me about the:

  • Creation of Heaven and Earth
  • Creation of the Light
  • Creation of the Sun, Moon and Stars and
  • Creation of Man in the Image of God. 
Did I mention that he knew all this from memory without any reference to the Bible? I wish that I too can someday possess this extraordinary gift. I was really impressed and interested in what he had to say. He was getting late for his medical appointment but did not refuse God's divine appointment. He was determined to finish our conversation but eventually had to leave as the Book of Genesis has 50 chapters. 

The same God who created the Heavens and the Earths, who walked on water, who calmed a storm, who raised the dead back to life, who fed a mass of 5000 people solely with a loaf of bread and two fish, the same AWESOME GOD CREATED YOU, not for you to bring shame to his name but to make him celebrate in Heaven that while the world is carrying on in their unlawful and corrupt way, you did not submit to it. Be the rose standing out from all the faded flowers.  I can go on till the cows come home but right now God wants YOU to come home, to acknowledge him, to accept his gift of eternal life, to shun the wrong and do the right, to spread the gospel to the masses of people out there and to be unashamed of his Word. So don't be a stubborn cow(grin).

When was the last time you told someone about God? When was the last time you thanked God for good health, a good family and for the very breath of life? What would you do if you had a collapsed lung? You would probably feel faint, rush to the hospital and cause everyone else's blood pressures in your path to spike up(thinking face). But when you have the Holy Spirit within you, you know that you will be healed by his perfect will. I really want to stress the importance of  spreading God's Word and being thankful for what you have. 

...Some  food for thought:
1. You may not have caviar everyday, but there's someone out there who begs for a slice of bread.
2.You are angered at your chores while child exploitation has reached its height in society.
3.You complain you are ill, but that someone is a mute amputee.
4. You have unlimited wants but that someone look into your window, thinking "What would it be like to own my own house. to sleep on a soft surface that is not the road."

While these thoughts linger in your head, ask yourselves, "Is this the life that I want to lead"? Decrease the population of those who do not know God. Do your part by educating those who did not yet experience Jesus in their lives or are too willfully defiant and ignorant to acknowledge God.

The same miraculous God brought you forth the day you were born. He shares a love for us that is worth more than all the gold and diamonds you could find in a mine, a love worth more than all the jewels and money gathered together(no use of hyperbole, it is in fact an understatement of our Lord's love). 

God's love is far beyond our knowledge[EPHESIANS 3:19]
The very hairs of our heads are all numbered[MATTHEW 10:30]

The ultimate question is will you acknowledge and embrace God's love for you? Will you change mindsets, which is the primary purpose of this blog.

I hope this post has inspired you!
God bless!