Friday 16 October 2015

Have you hit Rock bottom? Chirst is the ROCK OF AGES.

I like to see the good in people. I like to envision the bright side in all situations and I like to imagine that there is an imaginary silver lining on every cloud...But who lives with such hypotheticals? I strive to keep all posts positive but maybe I have to state the bad to reach a positive conclusion... Just a thought.

When faced with such difficult situations, what should we do? You may think that you have hit rock bottom and that there is just no recovery. Stop the pity party! Instead throw a party of redemption and hope of a better tomorrow. It may sound sappy, but damn it, its true. Just go down on your knees and praise God for his forgiving mercies and amazing grace. What an agape love! God is real, oh, so very real. I don't mind shouting it from the roof tops! It's all just a test and one that we must past!

God bless!